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Flavors 100% Trás-os-Montes and Douro

Showing 37–39 of 72 results

Jug (Pichorra)

Bisalhães black pottery, typical of the olaric center of the village of Bisalhães in the municipality of Vila Real, is distinguished by the ancestral processes and techniques used in its preparation and cooking. This ancestral process involves cooking the pieces made by potters in open ovens on the earth, where broom, pine needles and gorse are burned and then smothered with earth that, mixed with the smoke, gives the clay pieces a black color. The process of making Bisalhães pottery dates back at least to the 16th century. The production process for Bisalhães Black Pottery was declared UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage on November 29, 2016 during the meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Producer: Olaria Ramalho Characteristics: liquid service (water or wine) Format: Unit Illustrative image (glass sold separately)

17,50 (VAT inc.)

Infusões com História – Românico Português

A combinação de três espécies muito aromáticas proporciona fragrância intensa associada a sabor fresco, bem apaladado, levemente mentolado, cítrico e adocicado. Características sensoriais para disfrutar desta infusão de dois modos: fria, refresca os dias quentes de verão; quente, reconforta nas frias e longas noites de inverno. As plantas têm fitoquímicos naturais. Mediante a idade e condição do consumidor, poderão originar efeitos adversos. Conceito básico: Mistura de ervas profusamente aromáticas e relaxantes da mesma família botânica. Características: Bebida para consumir quente ou fria, de fragrância intensa associada a sabor fresco, bem apaladado, levemente mentolado, cítrico e adocicado, uma combinação de sensações: serenidade, frescura, conforto, exuberância. Descritores: Fresca e doce • Suave e relaxante • Exaltação dos sentidos • Peregrinação verde Formato: Saco Doypack Capacidade: 30g

9,90 (VAT inc.)

Infusões com História – Mystic herbal infusion

The pennyroyal with an intense fragrant aroma and fresh flavor is combined with the common olive and vine leaves. The result is a perfumed, well-flavored, truly mentholed infusion with a somewhat citrusy and sweet taste. Given the aromatic profile of the pennyroyal, this infusion can be consumed hot or cold. A pleasant feeling of vitality, moments of perfect harmony with the river and the vineyard landscape. Plants have natural phytochemicals. Some side effects may occur, depending on consumers’ age and condition. Basic concept: Herbal infusion with intense sensorial characteristics linked to tradition and cultural heritage. Characteristics: Hot or cool herbal tea, within this blend the scented and expressive flowers of three very popular plants are gathered to make an excellent herbal tea promoting a sense of well being. Keywords: Mix of aromatic sensations (mint, citric, sweet, acid) • Resilience • Rurality • Cultural heritage Format: Doypack bag Capacity: 30g

9,90 (VAT inc.)

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